ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Mexican drug war

Imagine two groups of people who don't like each other and want to control a playground. They both want to be in charge and have the other one do what they say. The only problem is, they both have different ideas about how the playground should be run. This is kind of like what's happening in Mexico with the drug war.

One group is the Mexican government, which is trying to keep drugs like marijuana and cocaine from spreading and hurting people. They think that it's important to keep these bad things away from the playground, to keep everyone safe and happy.

The other group is made up of drug cartels. These people want to sell drugs and make lots of money for themselves. They don't care if people get hurt or if the playground becomes unsafe, as long as they make money.

The problem is that both groups think they're right, and neither one wants to give up control. So they've been fighting for many years. The drug cartels use violence and intimidation to get their way, while the government uses police and military force to try to stop them.

Unfortunately, this fighting has caused a lot of problems. Many people have been hurt or killed, and the playground is not as safe as it used to be. Some people are afraid to go outside or let their kids play outside because they're afraid they might get caught in the middle.

So the drug war is a big problem in Mexico, kind of like a fight between two groups of people who both want control of the playground. But unlike on the playground, this fight is very serious and has caused a lot of problems for a lot of people.