ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Michael Klare

Okay kiddo, so Michael Klare is a writer and a professor who studies things called "resource wars." Resource wars are when people fight over things like oil, minerals, and other important resources that they need to live and run their countries.

Basically, he is really interested in figuring out why countries and people get into arguments and wars over resources like oil. He thinks it's because they all want to have access to those things so they can have power and control over other countries.

He studies how countries like the United States, China, and Russia try to get as much of these resources as they can and sometimes have to fight with other countries to get them.

It's kind of like if you and your friend both wanted the last cookie, you might argue or fight over who gets it because you both want it really badly. Except instead of cookies, it's really important things like oil and minerals that countries need to survive.

So Michael Klare tries to understand why this happens and what we can do to prevent these kinds of conflicts from happening in the future.