ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Michigan State University Twin Registry

Okay kiddo, so Michigan State University has a special project called the Twin Registry. You know what twins are right? Yes, they are two babies that are born at the same time to the same mommy. Well, this Twin Registry is where they keep track of not just twins, but also their family members, like parents, siblings, and even grandparents.

Why do they keep track of all these people, you ask? Well, because scientists want to learn more about how genetics (that means the things we inherit from our parents) affects our health and behavior. By studying families with twins and other relatives, they can compare how similar or different they are from each other, and find out what parts of our DNA play a role in things like diseases or mental health conditions.

They do this by asking the twins and their families to answer surveys, go for medical check-ups, and even give blood or saliva samples so scientists can look at their genes. By studying lots of families, they can start to see patterns and figure out which genes are involved in different things.

It's like a big puzzle where they piece together all the information they get from the twins and their families to try and solve some of the big questions about our health and why we are the way we are. Pretty cool, huh?