ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Military drum

A military drum is a special type of drum that is used in the military. It's like a big container that is shaped like a cylinder and has two circular ends.

The drum is made of a strong material like wood or metal, and it's covered with a special fabric called a drumhead. This is the part of the drum that you hit with special sticks called drumsticks.

Soldiers use military drums to make music and to communicate messages on the battlefield. They might play a certain rhythm to signal when to attack, when to retreat, or when it's time to celebrate a victory.

Sometimes, the drums are decorated with colorful designs or symbols that represent the military unit that is using them. And when the soldiers march in a parade, they might carry their drums on special straps that are attached to their shoulders.

So, think of a military drum as a big, strong container with a special fabric on top that makes noise when you hit it with drumsticks. It's used by soldiers to make music and communicate important messages, and they can carry it around with them when they march.