ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Military expression

Military expressions are words and phrases that are commonly used in the military to communicate information or to give commands. It's like a special language that soldiers use to talk to each other so that they all understand each other even when they come from different places or speak different languages.

For example, the military expression "Roger that" is used to confirm that a message has been received and understood. It's like saying "OK" or "Got it". Another expression, "Bravo Zulu", is used to give praise for a job well done. It's like saying "Good job" or "Well done".

Military expressions can also be commands that soldiers follow. For instance, "Attention" means that soldiers should stand up straight and be ready for further instructions. "Present arms" means the soldiers should hold their weapons in a certain position as a sign of respect.

In conclusion, military expressions are special words and phrases used in the military to communicate with other soldiers and give commands. They help soldiers understand each other better and work together more effectively.