ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Militia (United Kingdom)

A militia in the United Kingdom is a group of average people who come together to protect their community in times of danger. Think of it like a group of friends who team up to play a game or solve a problem.

In the past, militias in the UK were more common because there were frequent wars and attacks from outside forces. These groups would help defend their area while the official army was busy elsewhere.

Nowadays, militias in the UK are very rare and not really needed because the government has a powerful army and police force to protect the country. However, some people still believe in the idea of a militia, and there are a few small groups that still exist.

It's important to remember that a militia is not the same as a criminal gang or vigilante group. A militia is made up of regular citizens who volunteer to help protect their community in times of need, and they follow certain rules and principles to ensure they act responsibly and safely.