ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5


Milkis is a drink that combines two yummy things: milk and soda! It's similar to a fizzy drink like Coca-Cola or Sprite, but instead of just water and sweeteners, it also has milk in it. This means it's not as sweet or as sour as regular soda, and it has a creamy taste instead.

Imagine if you took a glass of milk and added some fizzy bubbles to it - that's what Milkis tastes like! It's very popular in parts of the world like Korea and Japan, where people like to drink it with meals or as a snack.

Just like regular soda, Milkis comes in different flavors, like strawberry, banana, and even melon. Some people like it more than others, but it's definitely a unique and tasty drink to try!
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