ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Minister (government)

So a minister in the government is like a superhero!

But they don't have capes or superpowers. They work for the government and their job is to help make important decisions that will help people in their country.

There are different types of ministers, like a minister of health who helps make sure everyone stays healthy, or a minister of education who helps make sure kids can go to school and learn important things.

Ministers have to be really smart and know a lot about the thing they're in charge of, kind of like how Spider-Man knows everything about spiders. They go to school and learn all about it so that they can make good choices and help people.

But instead of fighting bad guys, ministers work with other important people in the government like the president or the prime minister. They all work together to make sure people are happy and safe.

So that's what a minister in the government does! They're like superheros, but instead of fighting bad guys, they help make important decisions to help people in their country.