ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Ministerial code

The ministerial code is like a rulebook that guides people who have important jobs in the government. These people are called ministers, and they are in charge of making important decisions that affect our country. The ministerial code helps them understand what they can and cannot do while they are in their job.

It's like when your parents tell you that you can't eat ice cream for dinner because it's not healthy – they're giving you a rule that you have to follow. The ministerial code is like that, but it's for ministers instead of kids.

The code has rules about behavior that ministers have to follow. For example, it says that ministers have to be honest and not misuse their power. They also have to be respectful to others and not discriminate against people based on their gender, race, or religion.

If a minister doesn't follow the code, they could get in trouble and might have to leave their job. It's important to have rules to make sure that people in important jobs, like ministers, are doing the right thing and making good decisions for our country.