ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Mixed Courts of Egypt

Okay, kiddo, let me explain mixed courts of Egypt to you in a way you will understand.

Mixed courts are like a sports team that has players from different countries. Just like how a team performs better when there are players from different countries who bring their unique skills and talents, mixed courts in Egypt are made up of judges from different countries who bring their different legal backgrounds and experiences to ensure fair trials.

Here's the thing, Egypt has a long history of law and legal systems, and at one time, Egypt had two legal systems: one for Egyptians and one for foreigners. But this caused a lot of inequality and unfairness, and so they decided to create the mixed courts. This was done in 1876 to provide a fair and impartial judicial system that could be trusted by everyone.

So how do these mixed courts work? Well, the mixed courts in Egypt have judges who come from different countries with different legal traditions. They work together to hear cases involving both Egyptians and foreigners. For example, if someone from the US was in Egypt and was involved in a legal issue, they could go to the mixed courts, and the judges there would use both Egyptian and US law to determine the outcome of the case.

These courts have been around for a long time and have evolved over time to meet the changing needs of Egypt's legal system. They have played an important role in helping to establish a fair and impartial legal system that can be trusted by all.