ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Mobile ticketing

Have you ever seen your mom or dad buy a ticket at the train station, or the movies? It's usually a little piece of paper that they show to someone to get into the train or movie, right? Mobile ticketing is like that, except it's on your phone!

When you want to go somewhere, instead of going to a ticket booth, you can buy your ticket using an app on your phone. The way it works is that you tell the app where you're going, and the app shows you all the tickets available for that place.

You can buy the ticket you want and pay for it on your phone. Once you have bought your ticket, the app will save it on your phone, and you can show it to the person who checks your ticket when you get there.

It's like having a ticket machine right in your pocket! And the best part is that you don't have to worry about losing your ticket, because it's always saved on your phone.

That's pretty much what mobile ticketing is, a way to buy tickets on your phone instead of in person. It's quick, easy, and very convenient.