ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5


Okay kiddo, so you know how when you play with your toys, you can see them, touch them, and move them around? Well, imagine those toys are computer programs or websites that grown-ups use. When people use those programs or websites, they need to be able to see and interact with them too.

That's where model-view-presenter (MVP) comes in.

The "model" is like the toys themselves - it's the part of the program that does all the important work behind the scenes, like figuring out what needs to happen when you click a button or input some information.

The "view" is like the way you see and interact with the toys - it's the part of the program that you can see on the screen, where you can type things in or click on stuff with your mouse.

The "presenter" is like the grown-up who helps you play with your toys properly. They know all the rules and can teach you how to play certain games or use certain toys. In MVP, the presenter helps the model and the view communicate with each other properly. They take the instructions from the view (like when you click a button) and tell the model what to do based on those instructions. Then, they take the results from the model and tell the view what to show to the user based on those results.

So, the model, view, and presenter all work together to create a program or website that people can use easily and efficiently, just like you can play with your toys easily and efficiently with the help of a grown-up. That's MVP!