ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5


Model-View-ViewModel or MVVM is like playing with your toys. You have your toys (the model) that you want to play with, but you can't play with them directly, as they might break. So, you have to use your toy box (the view) to access your toys. The toy box lets you see your toys and play with them without breaking them.

But sometimes, you want to change things about your toys, like their clothes or hair. You can't do that while they're in the toy box, but you don't want to break them either. So, you ask your assistant (the ViewModel) to help you. Your assistant knows what your toys look like and what they can do, and it knows how to change their clothes or hair without breaking them.

In MVVM, the model represents your toys, the view is like your toy box, and the view model is your assistant who helps you play with your toys without breaking them. This makes it easier to work with your toys (model) without messing up how they look or act. It also helps to keep things organized so you can find what you're looking for more easily instead of just having toys scattered everywhere.