ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Model-driven security

Okay, so imagine you have a toy car that you want to make sure is safe to play with. You wouldn't just let anyone play with it or take it apart, right? In the same way, when we use computers and software, we want to make sure they are safe and secure so that bad people can't take them apart or steal our information.

Model-driven security helps make sure that the computer or software we are using is safe and secure. It does this by using a model or plan that tells the computer how to keep us safe. Think of this model or plan like a recipe for baking a cake. Just like a recipe tells you what ingredients to use and how to put them together to make a yummy cake, a model or plan tells the computer how to keep us safe.

When we use model-driven security, the computer or software is designed and built to follow this plan or model to keep us safe. This means there are less chances for bad people to hack into our computer or software and steal our information or cause harm.

So basically, model-driven security is like a recipe for keeping our computer and software safe, so we can play and work on them without worrying about bad people doing bad things.