ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Modern dance in the United States

Modern dance is a type of dance that started a long time ago in the United States. It is different from more traditional types of dance because it allows dancers to express themselves in a unique way, without having to follow strict rules or patterns.

When people first started doing modern dance, they were interested in breaking away from the strict rules of ballet and other types of dance that came before it. They wanted to move in a way that was more natural and free.

Some of the people who helped to create modern dance were Isadora Duncan, Martha Graham, and Doris Humphrey. They all had different ideas about what modern dance should look like, but they all agreed that it should be a way for dancers to move in a way that felt right to them.

Today, modern dance is still very popular in the United States. Many people go to dance classes to learn how to do it, and there are even professional dance companies that perform modern dance all over the country. It's a fun and creative way to express yourself through movement!