ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5


Monophysitism is a big word that means the belief that Jesus was only one thing, and not two things like most people believe.

Most people believe that Jesus was both fully human and fully God. But people who believe in monophysitism think that Jesus was only one thing - fully God - and not fully human.

This belief caused a big argument a long time ago, because some people thought that if Jesus wasn't fully human, then he couldn't really understand what it's like to be a human being. Other people thought that if Jesus was fully God, then he must be more powerful than human beings and couldn't really be like us.

In the end, most people decided that Jesus was both fully human and fully God, which is why we talk about him as the Son of God and also as someone who experienced human things like hunger and pain. But a few people still believe in monophysitism today.