ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Moral rights

Moral rights are like a set of rules that people follow to make sure that they are being fair and respectful. They help us to understand what's right and wrong in different situations. For example, if someone creates a painting or a movie or writes a book, they have the right to be recognized as the creator of that work. This is called the right of attribution.

Another moral right is the right of integrity, which means that the creator has the right to prevent others from changing or modifying the work in a way that harms their reputation or dignity. It's like a rule that says you can't break someone else's toy or make fun of their drawings.

Moral rights also protect the privacy and personal life of individuals. If someone takes a picture or video of you without your permission, you have the right to ask them to stop using it or delete it. This is because your personal life is your own, and you have the right to control how it is represented or shared with others.

So moral rights are a way of making sure people are treated fairly, and that their work and personal life are respected and valued. They help to create a more just and respectful society, where everyone's rights are protected.
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