ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Mud March (suffragists)

Okay kiddo, let me tell you about the mud march! So, long time ago, women didn't have the same rights as men. They couldn't vote or do lots of things that men could do. This made lots of women unhappy and they wanted things to change.

So one day, in the year 1907, a bunch of women got together and decided they were going to march in the streets to show how much they wanted to be treated fairly. But there was a problem- it had been raining a lot and the roads were muddy and messy.

But the women didn't let the mud stop them! They put on their best clothes and walked through the muddy streets anyway. They sang songs, carried banners and talked about how important it was for women to have the right to vote.

It was a really big deal because lots of people didn't think women should be marching in the streets or speaking up for themselves. But the women were brave and they kept marching even when their feet were cold and wet from the muddy water.

And eventually, their hard work paid off. In the year 1918, women were finally given the right to vote in some places, and later on, in the year 1920, women in the United States were given the right to vote in all elections.

So that's why the mud march was such an important moment for women's rights. Even when things were tough, the women kept going and fighting for what they believed in, and that's a really inspiring thing.