ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Multiple Kill Vehicle

Have you ever played a game where you throw a ball at a bunch of targets? Imagine that there are lots of targets, and you want to hit them all at the same time. A multiple kill vehicle is kind of like this game, but instead of throwing a ball, a rocket is launched into the air.

Inside the rocket, there are many smaller vehicles that are called kill vehicles. Just like the ball, each kill vehicle has a specific target to hit. When the rocket reaches the sky, it divides into many pieces, and each kill vehicle is released.

Each kill vehicle has its own guidance system, which helps it find its target. Think of it like the computer or phone you use, but it's on a spaceship. This helps each kill vehicle fly independently and avoid hitting other things in the sky.

So, in essence, a multiple kill vehicle is a type of rocket that launches tiny vehicles, which all have their targets and guidance system, to destroy multiple targets at once.

It's used for defense, like shooting down enemy missiles that could harm people. Multiple kill vehicles are very important for keeping people and countries safe.