ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Multiple independently targetable reentry vehicle

A multiple independently targetable reentry vehicle, also known as MIRV, is a type of missile that can carry multiple bombs or warheads that can be aimed at different targets. It is like a big bag of candies that can be opened to give different types of candy to different people.

Imagine that you have a big bag with different types of candy inside. You can open the bag and give one type of candy to your friend, another type of candy to your neighbor, and a third type of candy to your cousin. MIRVs work in a similar way, but instead of candy, they carry bombs or warheads that can be aimed at different targets.

MIRVs are used by countries with nuclear weapons to increase their ability to attack multiple targets with a single missile. This means that a single missile can hit multiple cities or military targets at the same time, which can be very dangerous and destructive.

To use a MIRV, the missile is launched into space and then it separates into multiple parts, each part containing a bomb or warhead. Each part can be aimed at a different target on the ground, and they can be released at different times to increase the damage and confusion.

In summary, MIRVs are a type of missile that can carry multiple bombs or warheads that can be aimed at different targets, like a bag of candies that can be opened to give different types of candy to different people. They are used by countries with nuclear weapons to attack multiple targets with a single missile, which can be very dangerous and destructive.