ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Multiple-effect evaporator

Okay kiddo, you know how sometimes you have a lot of water in a cup and you want to make it just a little bit of juice by getting rid of some of the water? That's what an evaporator does, but for grown-up stuff.

A multiple-effect evaporator is like having many cups of water and juice on top of each other. Here’s how it works:

Let’s say we have a lot of water that we want to turn into juice, but we don’t want to waste it. We put all the water in the first cup and we heat it until it starts to turn into steam. The steam that comes out, which is the juice we want, goes into the second cup on top of the first cup. We heat up the second cup too, and because the steam from the first cup is now going into the second cup, less heat is needed this time to turn it into more steam.

Now, the steam that comes out of the second cup goes into the third cup which is on top of it. Because it already has heat from the steam coming from the second cup, it needs even less heat than the first two cups to evaporate the water.

This process keeps happening, with steam from each cup going into the next one until we have just a little bit of water left at the end, and lots of juice!

The cool thing is that we don't need to heat up all of the water every time. We can just heat up the first cup, and then the steam from that one helps the next one and so on, so we save a lot of energy.

So, a multiple-effect evaporator is like having many cups of water on top of each other that help each other to make juice by using less heat every time. Isn't science cool?