ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Multiracial democracy

Multiracial democracy means that people of different races and ethnicities come together to live in a country, and are able to participate in creating and running that country. It is like when you and your friends decide to build a sandcastle together at the beach, everyone uses their unique skills and ideas to make the sandcastle better. In a multiracial democracy, people work together to create a better country.

In the past, some countries only allowed certain people to participate in making decisions about the country, and excluded people who looked different or spoke a different language. This wasn't fair or equal, and it caused a lot of problems. But now, we try to include people of all races, languages, and backgrounds to make sure everyone feels heard and represented. This way, everyone can work together to make the country a better place for everyone.

It isn't always easy, though. Sometimes people have different ideas about what is best for the country, or they might not trust people who look or think differently than they do. But through talking and listening to each other, we can work together to create a multiracial democracy where everyone's voice is heard and everyone has a chance to contribute to make the country a better place.