ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5


Imagine you have a big pile of toys in your room. There are so many toys that it's hard to keep them all organized. That's kind of like how the world has a lot of information.

Mundaneum is like a big room where people put all of the information they can find, and they organize it like you might organize your toys.

For example, if someone wanted to find out about a certain kind of animal, they could go to the Mundaneum and find a special place where all the information about that animal is kept. There are lots of people who work at the Mundaneum and their job is to make sure that all the information is put in the right place so it's easy to find.

It's kind of like a really big library, but instead of just books, there's information about everything you could think of, like animals, countries, and history. The Mundaneum helps people learn new things and helps them find the answers to questions they might have.