ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Murray Hall (politician)

Murray Hall was a person who lived a long time ago in New York City. He was a man who wanted to help other people and make a difference in the world. You could say that he was a politician, which means that he worked in the government and helped make decisions about how things should be done.

Now, Murray Hall was a special person because he was what is called "transgender," which means he felt like he was a girl but was born as a boy. Murray felt more comfortable dressing like a girl and wearing makeup, even though people at the time didn't understand this very well.

Despite this, Murray still wanted to help others and make a difference, so he became involved in politics. He worked really hard and eventually became one of the most influential people in New York City government.

People didn't always understand or accept Murray, but his hard work and kindness made a big impact on the city. Even though he passed away a long time ago, many people remember him as a brave and inspiring person who worked to make the world a better place.