ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Music industry

Music industry is like a big group of people who work together to make and share music for everyone to listen to. Just like you need a lot of people to build a big treehouse in your backyard, music needs a lot of people to make it happen too.

Firstly, there are the people who create the music. These are called musicians, and they can play instruments like guitar, piano, drums, or sing with their voice. They write their own songs, and sometimes, they have to practice a lot before they get really good.

Next, there are the people who help the musicians make their music sound awesome. These are called producers, and they can use fancy machines and other equipment to make the music sound perfect. They also help the musicians decide the right beats, music instruments, and sounds to use in the song.

After that, there are the people who help the musicians get their music out to the world. These people are called music agents, and they help the musicians sell their music on the internet, radio or TV. They make sure that lots of people hear the music.

Finally, there are the people who help the musicians get paid for all their hard work. These are the music business managers, and they help the musicians make money off their music by finding gigs for them to perform and selling records or merchandise.

So, just like building a treehouse needs a lot of different people with different skills, making music needs a lot of people too!