ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Musical dice game

Hi there! Today, I'm going to explain how to play a really fun game called the "Musical Dice Game" in a way that even a kid of five will fully understand it.

The Musical Dice Game is a game where you use dice to randomly create a melody that can be played on a musical instrument (like a piano or guitar). Here is how to play the game:

1. First, you need to write down all the possible notes you want to use in your melody. For example, if you want to use only the notes C, D, E, F, G, A, B, and C (including the repeated C), you can write them down on a piece of paper.

2. Next, number each of these notes from 1 to 8. So C will be 1, D will be 2, and so on, until C (repeated) is 8.

3. Roll a pair of dice. Add the numbers on the dice together, and the result will give you the note to play. For example, if you rolled a 2 and a 4, you would add them together to get 6, which is the note A.

4. Record the notes as you roll them. Keep rolling the dice until you have six or eight notes recorded.

5. Once you have all the notes, start playing them in order. And voila, you have a beautiful piece of music created by two dice!

6. If you want to make your melody longer or more complex, you can add more notes or more combinations of notes. You can also change the scales you are using or add rests, depending on how advanced you want to get.

The Musical Dice Game is a fun way to create music and challenge yourself to try out new combinations of notes that you might not have thought of before. Try it out with your friends or family, and perhaps you will create the next big hit song!