ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Musical isomorphism

Imagine you have two toy cars, both look different but have the exact same parts (wheels, doors, seats, etc.). Now, let's say that you want to make them move in the exact same way. You can try to copy the movements of one car onto the other, but that can be really hard and time-consuming.

Musical isomorphism is a fancy way of saying that two pieces of music may look different, have different notes and rhythms, but they can still have the same "parts" that move in the exact same way. Just like the two toy cars, these pieces have the same structure or "musical DNA."

This can be really helpful when you're trying to understand or learn a new piece of music. If you already know a piece of music that has the same isomorphism as the new one, you can apply the skills or techniques you used before to learn it faster. Instead of starting from scratch, you can use what you already know.

It's like having a map of a place you've never been before, but you already know a similar place. You can use what you know about the familiar place to help you get around the new one.

In summary, musical isomorphism means that two pieces of music may look different, but share the same structure or "musical DNA." Knowing this can help you learn or understand new music faster by using what you already know about the similar isomorphic piece.