ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Musical temperament

You know how you love playing with your toys and sometimes they make a beautiful sound when you push a button or turn a knob, but sometimes the sound is not so nice or they don't match perfectly when you play them together? Well, musical instruments like pianos, guitars or violins also make sounds when we play them, and we want those sounds to be nice and in harmony when we play them together.

But sometimes, the way we make the instruments sound together is not perfect. This is because our musical instruments are designed in a way that makes it impossible to sound perfectly in tune with each other. This is where musical temperament comes in. Musical temperament is a way of making sure that our musical instruments sound as good as possible when played together.

Musical temperament involves adjusting the notes on our musical instruments slightly so they will all sound in tune when played together. It's like when a group of singers want to sing a song together, but they all have different voices and some of them might be too high or too low. So, they choose a specific key or pitch that works for everyone and then they adjust their voices slightly to fit that key.

Similarly, in musical temperament, we choose a specific key or pitch, and then we adjust the notes on the musical instruments slightly so they will all match that key. This way, when we play music together on different instruments, they will sound nice and in harmony.

There are several types of musical temperament, each with its own way of adjusting the notes on the instruments. Some types of temperament are better suited for certain types of music or instruments while others are more versatile.

Overall, musical temperament is an important tool for musicians to make sure their instruments sound the best they can when played together, just like when we try to sing a song together as a group.