ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5


Nāga is a word used in some cultures to describe a mythical or magical creature that is part human, part snake. Imagine a big, scary snake that has arms and legs like a person! Some people believe that nāgas are powerful and important beings, like gods or spirits.

In some stories, nāgas are guardians of treasures or sacred places, and they use their magical powers to protect them from humans who might try to harm or steal them. Other stories say that nāgas can control the weather, heal sickness, or help people in other ways.

Nāgas are often depicted in art and stories as very beautiful and wise, with shining scales and sparkling eyes. But they can also be dangerous if they feel threatened or angry. In some traditions, people who are skilled in magic or meditation can communicate with nāgas and ask for their help or guidance.

So basically, nāgas are like really cool snake-people who have special powers and can be either helpful or scary, depending on how you treat them.