ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Namantar Andolan

Namantar Andolan was a big movement that happened in India in the 1970s. It was about something called "caste discrimination."

In India, there are different groups of people called "castes." Some people are seen as higher or more important than others, just because of the family they were born into. This isn't fair, and it means that some people are treated badly just because of who their parents are.

Namantar Andolan was a way for people to protest against this unfair treatment. The people who were leading the movement called for a change in the way things were done, so that everyone would be treated equally, no matter what caste they were born into.

Many people took part in this movement, and it made a big difference in the way people thought about caste discrimination. Although it wasn't easy, the people who were part of Namantar Andolan never gave up, and eventually, they were able to create change and make things better for everyone.