ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Names Database

Okay, let's say you have a big collection of toy cars. You want to know the name of each car so you can organize them better. So you ask your friend to help you make a list of all the names of the cars. This list is called a names database.

A names database is like a list of names. But instead of names of people, it has names of things like toy cars, animals, or even people. The names database helps you keep track of all the different names in one place.

Just like you can search for a toy car by its name in your list, people can search for someone's name in a names database to find out more information about that person. This is useful for lots of different things, like finding contacts for a project or checking if a name is already taken for a website or app.

Overall, a names database is a big list of names that helps us organize things and find information more easily.