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Naming customs of Hispanic America

Hey there! Naming customs in Hispanic America are how people are named in countries where Spanish is the main language. It's important to know that while there are shared customs among Hispanic countries, each one has its own unique traditions too. There are four main things to consider:

1. A person has two last names.
2. Parents can choose whether their child's first name is followed by their paternal or maternal last name.
3. Nicknames are an important part of people's names.
4. Formal titles are used frequently.

Let's break it down further:

1. Double last names
In most Hispanic countries, a person has two last names. The first last name is the father's last name and the second last name is the mother's. This creates a longer name, but it's important for people to keep both their parents' surnames.

For example, if the father's last name is García and the mother's last name is Pérez, their child's last name would be García Pérez.

2. Choosing what last name to go by
When it comes to first names, parents can choose if their child’s first last name will be their father’s or mother’s last name. Traditionally, the child is named with the father's last name first, but recently there has been a shift towards choosing the mother's last name first. For example, a child could be named Juan García Pérez or Juan Pérez García.

3. Nicknames
In Hispanic communities, nicknames are a big deal and are often used to show affection. It's common for people to have multiple nicknames, such as "Chiqui" (short and cute) or "Paco" (short for Francisco). Nicknames can be chosen based on a person's physical characteristics or traits, or simply because a family member chose that name for them.

4. Formal titles
Formal titles are used frequently when addressing people. The most common titles used are "Señor" (Mr.), "Señora" (Mrs.), "Señorita" (Miss), and "Doctor" (Doctor). It's important to use titles when addressing someone in a professional or formal setting.

So there you have it, naming customs in Hispanic America in a nutshell. It may seem like a bit of a mouthful, but it's an important part of the culture and identity of many Hispanic people.