ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5


Nanoparticle is like a tiny Lego block. You know how Lego blocks are small and can be put together to make a bigger thing? Nanoparticles are small too, really, really small. They are so small that you need a special tool called a microscope to see them.

Nanoparticles can be made of different materials like metals or plastics, and they can have different shapes and sizes. Just like Lego blocks, they can be joined together to make something big, like a building or bridge.

Scientists use nanoparticles to make things too. They can make special materials that can do different things, like clean up pollution or deliver medicine to your body. Because nanoparticles are so small, they can get inside your body and do things that regular medicine can't.

Overall, think of nanoparticles as tiny building blocks that scientists use to build new things, and that can do amazing things inside your body.