ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Naskh (tafsir)

Naskh is like when you have a puzzle or a drawing, and you make changes to it to make it better or to fit with new rules or information. In the Quran, naskh happens when some verses or teachings are replaced by other verses or teachings. This can happen for different reasons, like when the rules change or when the situation or time changes.

Tafsir is like a guidebook that helps people understand the meanings of the Quran better. It explains the context, the background, and the different interpretations of the verses. It can also help people apply the teachings of the Quran to their everyday lives.

So when naskh and tafsir are combined, it means that some parts of the Quran might have been replaced or updated by newer parts, and tafsir can help us understand why this happened and how it affects our understanding and application of the Quran. It's a way for us to keep learning and growing in our faith and understanding of the Quran.