Okay kiddo, have you ever heard of taxes? They're like money that we give to the government to help pay for things like schools, roads, and hospitals. Some people believe that some of their tax money is going towards war, and they don't want that. So, they want to make something called a "peace tax fund".
The peace tax fund would be a special fund that people could put their tax money into instead of it going towards war. If someone doesn't want their tax money to go towards war, they can request to have their money put into the peace tax fund instead. The government would then use this money to promote peace and non-violent conflict resolution.
Some people believe that having a peace tax fund would help promote peace and reduce violence around the world. It's like saying "I want my money to go towards helping people live peaceful lives" instead of saying "I want my money to go towards guns and bombs".
This national campaign is about trying to get the government to create this peace tax fund option. People who support this campaign believe that peace is important and they want the government to reflect that in how they use our tax money.