ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

National Civil War Naval Museum

Ok kiddo, have you ever heard of a museum before? It's a special place where you can learn all about history and see special things like old artifacts and cool exhibits that help you understand what happened a long time ago.

Well, the National Civil War Naval Museum is a museum that is all about a big fight that happened a long time ago called the Civil War. This war happened between two parts of the United States - the North and the South - and they were fighting over things like slavery and how the country should be run.

Now, the Civil War wasn't just fought on land, but also in the water with big boats called ships. The National Civil War Naval Museum is all about these ships and the people who fought in them. You can see real ships that were used during the war and learn about the sailors who worked on them.

There are also fun things you can do at the museum, like play on a replica of a ship and see what it would be like to be a sailor on one. You can also see weapons that were used in the war and learn about what life was like for the people who fought in it.

Overall, the National Civil War Naval Museum is a really cool place to learn about history and see some amazing things from a time that was a long time ago.