The National Commission on Resources for Youth is a group of people who work together to help young people in their country. It is like when your teachers, parents, and doctors come together to give you what you need to grow up healthy and happy.
The Commission has experts who know a lot about young people, what they need, and how best to provide for them. They study and research to find out what young people need, what the problems are, and how to solve them. They then make recommendations to the government and other decision-makers on what they think should be done to help young people.
Their work is important because young people are the future of a country. They need to be healthy, get the best education, and have opportunities to grow and develop into good citizens who can contribute to the country's growth.
In summary, the National Commission on Resources for Youth helps make sure that young people get all the resources they need to succeed and grow into healthy, happy, and productive adults. They do important work and provide recommendations to ensure that the government and decision-makers prioritize the needs of young people in the country.