ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

National Famine Commemoration Day

Okay kiddo, let me explain what National Famine Commemoration Day means.

A long time ago, in Ireland, there was a big problem with something called a famine. This means that there wasn't enough food for everyone to eat. Lots and lots of people didn't have enough to eat, and many of them got very sick or even died. This was a very sad time in Ireland's history.

National Famine Commemoration Day is a special day when we remember all of the people who were affected by the famine. We think about how hard it was for them, and we honor their memory by having ceremonies and events to show that we haven't forgotten about them.

It's important to remember the past so that we can learn from it and try to make things better for everyone in the future. That's why we have National Famine Commemoration Day.