ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

National Missing Children's Day

Okay kiddo, today we're going to talk about something really important called National Missing Children's Day. It is a day that we remember all the kids who have gone missing in our country, and we try to find ways to bring them back home.

Imagine if one day, you went to the park to play, and then you got lost and couldn't find your mommy or daddy. How scared and lonely you would be! That's what happens to some kids in real life, and it's very sad.

So, to help those kids and their families, we have a special day on May 25th every year. We learn about how to be safe, and we remember the stories of those who are still missing. We also thank the brave people like police officers and volunteers who work hard to find missing kids.

It's important to know that if you ever get lost or feel unsafe, you should always ask an adult you trust for help. You can also call 911 or find a police officer to assist you. And always remember, you are loved and you matter to us, so we will do everything we can to protect you.