ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Natural killer T cell

Okay kiddo, let me tell you about natural killer T cells.

Our body has a lot of different cells that help keep us healthy and fight off bad things like germs or infections. One of these types of cells is called a natural killer T cell, but we usually call them NKT cells for short.

NKT cells are special because they can do two things: they can fight off bad things like viruses and bacteria, and they can also help our other immune cells do their job better.

Think of it like this: if our body is like a zoo, the NKT cells are like zookeepers. They patrol the zoo looking for any trouble, like a lion that has escaped from its cage. If they find trouble, they sound an alarm to let the other zookeepers (our other immune cells) know that something bad is happening. And if things get really bad, the NKT cells can join in and help fight the trouble themselves.

But the NKT cells can also help make the other zookeepers better at their jobs. They can give them new tools to use (like making more chemicals to fight off invaders), or they can tell them where to go to stop trouble before it starts.

So, in summary, NKT cells are like special zookeepers in our body who find and fight off bad things, while also helping other zookeepers do their jobs better. Cool, huh?
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