ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Nazi memorabilia

You know how when you go on a trip, you might want to bring back something special as a memory? Some people like to collect things that remind them of important events or times in history. Nazi memorabilia is things that belonged to or were created by the people who were in charge of a group called the Nazis in Germany a long time ago. These things might include things like flags, uniforms, weapons, or books that were made during that time.

However, the Nazis did very bad things and hurt a lot of people. So, some people think that collecting or owning anything related to the Nazis is very wrong and hurtful. Imagine if someone made fun of or hurt your friends or family, and then someone else was collecting things that belonged to that person. It would probably make you feel upset and angry. That's why many people believe that it's not right to own or collect Nazi memorabilia.