ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Necrotizing fasciitis

Necrotizing fasciitis is a sickness that happens when bad germs get inside your body and make it very, very sick.

Your body has something called fascia which is like a big band-aid that covers all of your muscles. It is there to keep them in place and keep them healthy.

Sometimes, when these bad germs get under your skin, they can spread to your muscles and fascia, and your body tries to fight them off.

But sometimes your body fights so hard that it tries to kill the germs and the healthy tissue around it, and this can be very, very dangerous.

That's why it's called "necrotizing" fasciitis, because the germs can cause the tissue and muscle to die, which is very bad for your body. It can make you feel very sick, and it can be very hard for your body to get better.

So it's important to always try and keep your body as healthy as possible, and wash your hands often, so that these bad germs don't have a chance to make you sick.