ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Nectar source

Okay, imagine you are a bee and you need to find some sweet juice to make honey. This sweet juice is called nectar. Just like you like to eat candy or ice cream because it tastes good, bees like to collect nectar because it is sweet and delicious.

Sometimes you might find nectar in a flower, which is like a little cup that holds the nectar. When you land on the flower, you can use your long tongue (called a proboscis) to suck up the nectar from the flower.

But not all flowers have nectar that bees can use. Some flowers don't make nectar at all, and other flowers make nectar that only certain kinds of bees or insects can use.

So when we talk about a "nectar source," we mean a place where bees can find lots of flowers with lots of good nectar. It's kind of like a big candy store for bees! When bees find a good nectar source, they can fly back to their hive and share the location with their friends so they can all go collect nectar together.

Having access to good nectar sources is really important for bees, because it helps them make the honey that they need to eat and survive. So it's important for us humans to take care of the flowers and plants around us so that bees have plenty of places to find nectar.