Okay kiddo, let me explain need theory to you in a simple way. Need theory is all about understanding what people need in order to be happy and motivated.
Imagine you have a toy you really like playing with. That toy makes you feel happy and satisfied. This is because it fulfills one of your needs- the need for enjoyment. Similarly, grown-ups also have needs like food, water, shelter, safety, and social interaction.
Need theory says that when we have our basic needs met, we are more likely to feel satisfied and motivated in life. For example, if you are given enough food and water, you can focus better in class and perform well.
But what happens when our needs are not met? Well, we feel unhappy and less motivated. For example, if you are hungry and thirsty, you might feel tired and irritable. Similarly, if an adult feels unsafe in their workplace, they might not perform well and may not enjoy their work.
So, need theory helps us understand what people need in order to be happy and motivated. It reminds us that when basic needs are met, people are more likely to be productive, successful, and happy in their lives.