ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Neighbourhood (mathematics)

Hey kiddo, do you know what a neighborhood is in your own neighborhood? It's like the area right around your house where you feel safe and familiar, and you might even know some of the people who live there.

Well, in math, a neighborhood is similar. It's a special kind of area around a certain point that people want to study. Sometimes, that point is a number, like 2 or 5. Other times, it might be a shape or a curve on a graph.

Picture a dartboard, with the bullseye right in the center. A neighborhood in math would be like studying all the different things that happen when you throw darts at various spots around the bullseye. You might want to look at how often the darts hit the target, or how far away they land on average.

So when mathematicians talk about a neighborhood, they're really just talking about looking very closely at what's happening very close to that central point. It's a way to learn more about how things work in a particular area, just like you might want to learn more about your own neighborhood by exploring and meeting people nearby.