ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Net gun

A net gun is a special tool like a toy gun but it's much bigger and fired with a different purpose. It's often used by people who need to catch animals safely, or by law enforcement officers who want to capture criminals without hurting them.

When you fire a net gun, it shoots out a big net that spreads out and flies through the air until it hits its target. The net is made of strong material that won't break easily, and it's designed to stop the animal or person in their tracks, wrapping them up so they can't move.

The net gun works by using compressed air or other forms of power to propel the net forward. The net is attached to a small container of compressed gas or a spring-loaded mechanism that shoots out the net at high speed.

When the net hits the target, it quickly wraps around them, trapping them inside. The animal or person may struggle to break free, but the net is strong enough to keep them in place until someone can come and safely remove them.

Overall, the net gun is a useful tool that allows people to catch animals or people without harming them, so they can be safely released or captured.