ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

New Reform Party of Ontario

So imagine you and your friends are playing a game and you're not happy with how the game is going or the rules that someone made up. You might decide together to make up new rules so that the game is more fun for everyone. That's kind of like what the Reform Party of Ontario is doing - they are a group of people who are not happy with how things are going in Ontario, so they want to make changes.

The Reform Party of Ontario is a group of people who want to form a new political party in Ontario. A political party is like a big team of people who have similar ideas about how things should be run in the province. They hope to create a new political party because they feel that the current parties aren't doing a good enough job.

Think of it like this: there are two teams playing a game, the Raptors vs. the Lakers. But what if you're not a fan of either of those teams because you don't think they're playing well? You might want to create a new team that plays differently or has better strategies. That's what the Reform Party of Ontario is trying to do, but instead of basketball, they're interested in politics.

The party wants to focus on things like creating more jobs, lowering taxes, and protecting people's freedoms. They want to make sure that everyone in Ontario has a fair shot at success and that the government doesn't get in the way.

So, to put it simply, the Reform Party of Ontario is a group of people who are tired of the current political parties in Ontario and want to create a new one with different ideas to make things better for everyone.