ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Non-zero-sum game

A non-zero-sum game is like when you and your friend both want something, but you can both get what you want if you work together instead of fighting over it.

Let's say you and your friend have a pizza, and you both want a fair share. If you take more than half of the pizza, then your friend will not be happy because he or she will be left with less pizza. This is like a zero-sum game because you both cannot win, and someone has to lose.

But, if you both agree to split the pizza in half, then you both get what you want, and nobody loses. This is like a non-zero-sum game because both of you can win.

Non-zero-sum games happen when there is more than one way to achieve a goal. If people work together and share resources, everybody can be better off. This is true in real life, where people often cooperate in business, science, and politics to achieve common goals.

So remember, if you want to win in a non-zero-sum game, you have to work with others instead of trying to beat them.