ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Norman yoke

Okay kiddo, so have you heard of slavery? It's when one person makes another person work for them without paying them or treating them nicely.

A long time ago in England, there was something called the Norman Yoke. This is when the people who had power and money (the Normans) made the people who didn't have power and money (the English) work for them without treating them very nicely.

The Normans made laws to keep the English people under their control, so the English couldn't do anything they wanted. They had to work really hard and had few rights. It was like they were wearing a yoke, which is a heavy thing that goes over a person's shoulders to make them carry a heavy load.

But eventually, the English people rebelled and fought back against the Normans. They wanted more freedom, and over time they were able to get it. Now everyone is treated equally in England, and nobody has to suffer under something like the Norman Yoke again.
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