ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

North Korea and weapons of mass destruction

North Korea is a country located in Asia, over on the other side of the world. This country is ruled by a man named Kim Jong Un, who is like a king or a president. North Korea has been building something called weapons of mass destruction, and this is a really big problem.

Weapons of mass destruction are things that can hurt a lot of people all at the same time. For example, they could be bombs that explode and create a very big fire or blast. They could also be things like gas or germs that can make people very sick. These are things that nobody should have, because if they get used, they can cause a lot of damage to places and people.

North Korea has been building lots of these weapons even though most countries agree that they shouldn't. This is because North Korea and some other countries feel that they need to build these kinds of weapons to stay safe. But the problem is, if North Korea has these weapons, other countries might feel like they need to build them too to protect themselves. This causes a lot of tension and worry around the world.

Many countries and organizations are working to prevent North Korea from building and using these dangerous weapons. They are trying to talk with North Korea and find a way to make sure nobody gets hurt. This is important because everyone deserves to be safe and happy, and weapons of mass destruction take that away from people.